gender equality

Foundation of the Female Academic Network in Serbia

One of the long term goals of the Alt+G group is to develop collaboration with the institutions and individuals from other countries in the region of former Yugoslavia. This is why we started cooperating with the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory in Belgrade.

InnoRenew CoE organised a training on gender-related issues

One of the members of the Al+G community, InnoRenew CoE organised a training on gender-related issues on 8 November 2019 - the first such activity for this independent Centre of Excellence researching renewable materials and healthy environments.

First meeting of the group for gender equality in Slovene academia

On 14 May 2019 the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) organised the preliminary meeting of those individuals that were invited to become members of the community of practice (CoP) for gender equality in Slovene academia. The visio