One of the members of the Al+G community, InnoRenew CoE organised a training on gender-related issues on 8 November 2019 - the first such activity for this independent Centre of Excellence researching renewable materials and healthy environments. One-day training for all employees on gender-related issues in research and innovation is a reflection of organisation's policy of creating a welcoming, equitable and diverse working environment.
Dr. Maxime Forest, lecturer at Scince Po Paris, led the training, which was divided into two parts. In the first part, basic definitions that underpin a structured understanding of gender-related issues were explored. The masculine image of science and gendered structure of research and innovation was also discussed. The second part was designed as an interactive session with the focus on gender dimensions in Horizon 2020 projects, based on the toolkit Gender in EU-funded Research. Later on, researchers had the chance to work on case studies and identify and discuss key challenges from the gender perspective.
Being an advanced and internationally renowned research organization requires not only excellent science and innovative thinking but also addressing issues such as gender balance within institutional operations. This is why the InnoRenew CoE welcomes trainings of this kind.
written by Kim Turk Mehes