Member Institutions

Alt+G Community of Practice is a network of research organisations, academic institutions and associations which are committed to creating alternative institutional infrastructure for implementing gender equality measures. See below the list of member institutions.

Educational Research Institute

Brief description:
The Educational Research Institute (Pedagoški inštitut – PI) is the leading Slovene institution in the field of educational research. Its scientific research covers following thematic areas that are researched in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary manner: sociology of education and knowledge, philosophy of education, pedagogical anthropology, developmental, pedagogical, and social psychology, linguistics, feminist theory, epistemology, discourse studies, critical theory of society, as well as philosophical and, chiefly, ethical education issues. Approximately 35 researchers working in 8 research centres conduct research, which concerns the entire educational vertical, from pre-school education to higher education, but is probably best known for to general public for its work in international knowledge studies (e.g. PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS etc.).
Slovenia / Ljubljana

InnoRenew CoE, Renewable Materials and Healthy Environments Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence

Brief description:
Slovenia / Izola

National Institute of Biology

Brief description:
National Institute of Biology (NIB) was established by the Government of Republic of Slovenia in 1960 and is the third largest public research institution in the field of natural sciences in Slovenia. The basic activity of NIB has been and continues to be basic, developmental and applicative research in the fields of biotechnology, biophysics, biomedicine and system biology. NIB researchers are involved both in EU research projects as well as various projects of bilateral cooperation. At the moment NIB has 151 employees, out of which 19 are PhD students. NIB is composed of 6 departments: Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology; Department of Genetic Toxicology and Cancer Biology; Department of Organisms and Ecosystems Research; Marine Biology Station Piran; Corporate Services; Technology Transfer Office. NIB is a newcomer in the projects related to gender equality, thus until now institution has been involved in two projects related to the issues of gender equality: Gender STE – European Cooperation in science and Technology, Gender, Science, Technology, Environment (COST) (2012-2016); CHANGE — CHAlleNging Gender (In)Equality in science and research (2018-2022). In the framework of CHANGE project NIB has prepared and started to implement Gender Equality Plan, which main purpose is to promote gender equality, equality in general and diversity within the institution.
Slovenia / Ljubljana & Piran

National Institute of Chemistry

Brief description:
The National Institute of Chemistry (Kemijski inštitut, KI) is an internationally recognized research organization in the field of chemistry and related disciplines. It was founded in 1946 as the Chemical Laboratory of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and today it operates as a public research institute in the field of scientific and research and development activities. As of October 2019, the National Institute of Chemistry had 354 employees, 312 of them (covering all those working in the research sector) carry out research work in 9 sections and two infrastructure centers. Currently 74 graduate students are being trained at KI within the national Young Researchers Program for the acquisition of their PhD degrees. The young researchers represent about 25% of the Institute's staff members, making KI one of the leading Slovenian organizations for graduate-level education and training. Basic and applied research are oriented towards following fields: materials research, life sciences, biotechnology, chemical engineering, structural and theoretical chemistry, analytical chemistry and environmental protection; through which the institute is in line with the needs of the domestic and foreign pharmaceutical, chemical, automotive and nanobiotechnological industries. The work of the Institute is also in line with the priority thematic areas of the EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020, which places an emphasis on nanotechnology, genomics and biotechnology for health, climate change, energy, sustainable development and global change and quality and safety of food. The Institute is consortium member of Horizon 2020 project PLOTINA – Promoting Gender Balance and Inclusion in Research, Innovation and Training. The objective of PLOTINA is to enable development, implementation and assessment of self-tailored Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) with innovative and sustainable strategies for the Research Performing Organizations (RPOs) involved. The Institute is also involved in the project tackling gender equality in research: STARBIOS2 – Enhancing Responsible Bioscience, via Slovenian consortium member University of Primorska.
Slovenia / Ljubljana

Peace Institute, Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies

Brief description:
The Peace Institute (Mirovni inštitutut - MI), Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, is a private, independent, non-profit research institution founded in 1991 by individuals who believed in peaceful conflict resolution, equality and respect for human rights standards. The Institute uses scientific research and advocacy activities aimed at creating and preserving open society capable of critical thought and based on the principles of equality, responsibility, solidarity, human rights and the rule of law. The Institute develops interdisciplinary research, educational and awareness-raising activities in the areas of social science, humanities, anthropology and law, in five thematic fields: human rights and minorities, politics, media, gender and cultural policies. It acts as an ally of vulnerable groups and acts against discrimination in partnership with them. It is a visible research and civil society stakeholder in Slovenia, the region and on the international level and a leading resource in the fields of its operation. It acts in partnership with other similar stakeholders (institutes, universities, non-governmental organisations) as well as with residents on the local, regional and international level.
Slovenia / Ljubljana

Research Centre od the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU)

Brief description:
ZRC SAZU is the leading Slovenian research centre in the field of humanities, while it also encompasses research in natural and social sciences. ZRC SAZU is composed out of 18 institutes that conduct range of multidisciplinary studies: geography, Slovenian language, art history, anthropology and spatial studies, archaeology, cultural history, musicology, migration studies, ethnology, ethnomusicology, social medicine, philosophy, Slovenian literature and literary science, palaeontology, biology, research of Karst, history, memory studies. The institution has more than 300 active researchers, some of which teach at the Postgraduate School of ZRC SAZU which offers 7 doctoral programmes. While issues related to gender are cross-cutting issue in many studies conducted at the ZRC SAZU, the institution has been involved in following projects related to the issues of gender equality in academia and research: GARCIA – Gendering the Academy and Research: Combating Career Instability and Asymmetries (2014-2017); R&I PEERS – Pilot Experiences for Improving Gender Equality in Research Organisations (2018-2022). Institute of Culture and Memory Studies ZRC SAZU is moderating webpage about gender and science (in Slovenian). Director of ZRC SAZU has adopted Gender Equality Plan in February 2019, which is encompassing institutional changes focusing on areas of mentoring, work-life balance, promotion of scientific excellence of female researchers, raising awareness on gender equality and use of gender-sensitive language.
Slovenia / Ljubljana

Science and Research Centre Koper

Brief description:
Slovenia / Koper

Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia

Brief description:
The Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (Društvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Slovenije, DMFA) is a national association that brings together educators, researchers and students. It was founded in 1949. The Society promotes mathematics, physics and astronomy among young people and the general public. It organizes competitions, attended by more than 100 000 competitors every year. It organizes scientific meetings and promotes the scientific achievements of its members. It publishes two magazines: “Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko” [Review for Mathemathics and Phisics] and “Presek, list za mlade matematike, fizike, astronome in računalnikarje” [Cross-section, Journal for Young Mathematicians, Physicists, Astronomers and Computer Scientists]. The Association is active in international associations in individual fields such as European Mathematical Society (EMS), European Physical Society (EPS), International Astronomical Union (IAU), and European Astronomical Society (EAS). Furthermore, it cooperates with several associations, research organizations and pedagogical institutions in Slovenia. Since 2016, following the model of similar societies, DMFA has a special Committee for Women.
Slovenia / Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana

Brief description:
The University of Ljubljana (Univerza v Ljubljani, UL) is a public autonomous educational, research and artistic higher education institution with a very rich tradition. It was established in 1919 and it encompasses 23 faculties and 3 art academies. UL ranks among the top 500 universities according to the ARWU Shanghai ranking and among the top 3% Universities in the world according the Times ranking. It has more than 40.000 undergraduate and postgraduate students and employs approximately 5.600 higher education teachers, researchers, assistants and administrative staff. UL is very active in national and international R&D and educational programmes, and creates almost half of the research results of Slovenia. Currently UL cooperates in in 168 national research programmes, 307 basic and applied research projects, as well as post-doc projects with over 3.000 certified researchers. In 2018, UL was involved in 582 European projects, including 14 running FP7 and 102 HORIZON2020 projects, 1 EJP grant and 465 other EU projects. From 2008, UL is committed to respect the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers, which led to the award of the logo HR Excellence in Research in 2018.
Slovenia / Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts

Brief description:
The Faculty of Arts (Filozofska fakulteta - FF) is the largest faculty of the University of Ljubljana and consists of 21 departments in the field of humanities and social sciences, as well as one physical education division, and six organisational units. The faculty currently employs approximately 680 persons and has 3,245 BA students and 1,616 MA students enrolled. It has 47 accredited study programmers at the Bachelor level and 77 at Master’s level. At the PhD level there are three interdisciplinary study programs at the level of the University of Ljubljana, and the Faculty of Arts is a responsible coordinator for 43 study fields (Gender Studies included). There are currently 21 research programmes carried on at the institution, and 10 of those are led by female researchers, and the content of 2 programs is gender related. There are also 42 research projects financed by the Slovenian Research Agency; 15 are led by women and five have gender-related content. Amongst the 73 international projects 40 are led by women, and three have gender-related content. In sum: amongst 137 projects at FF, 65 are led by women and 10 explicitly address gender-related topics. Faculty of Arts is currently undergoing the process of drafting of Gender Equality Plan within the Horizon 2020 project GEARING ROLES, which is mapping the state of affairs in career progression of women in research and academia; it deals specifically with the problem of gender imbalance in leadership and decision-making positions; it promotes integration of gender dimension in research and curricula and is working on the prevention of gender discrimination, sexism and sexual harassment in research and academic field.
Slovenia / Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetical Engineering

Brief description:
The Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo - FGG) was one of the constitutional members of the University of Ljubljana. The FGG performs (undergraduate and postgraduate) educational, research, development, professional and consulting activities in the areas of civil engineering, environmental engineering and geodesy and takes care of the development of these scientific areas. The research performed at the FGG has been highly ranked in different research areas, particularly at the research of innovative and traditional materials, in the field of reinforced concrete and masonry wall buildings, precast buildings and bridges, earthquake engineering and numerical analysis of different kinds of civil engineering structures, traffic engineering as well as in the field of building physics. The FGG is actively involved in the development of the relevant legislation (European standards) and its application to practice. In 2018, UL FGG was involved in 40 European projects, including 2 running FP7 and 9 Horizon 2020 projects and 29 other EU projects. 
Slovenia / Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education

Brief description:
The Faculty of Education (Pedagoška fakulteta - PEF), University of Ljubljana is Slovenia’s largest faculty for educating future teachers in the pre-primary, primary and secondary stage of schooling. It also offers studies in social and special education, as well as the doctoral programme. The institution employs about 150 active researchers and faculty members. Issues related to gender are part of many research projects and studies conducted at the PEF, frequently cutting across disciplines. We are currently intensively involved in the following projects, concerned particularly with questions regarding gender and gender equality: Enakost spolov na področju izobraževanja [Gender equality in the field of education] (2018-2020); Coding4Girls (Erasmus+-Coding4Girls, 2018-2020).
Slovenia / Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Brief description:
The main mission of Faculty of Electrical Engineering at University of Ljubljana is the education of electrical engineering experts and executing research work in the fields of electronics, power engineering, telecommunications, automation, multimedia etc. The Faculty has a well-developed network of international contacts, organises scientific gatherings, enables participation in international research and applied projects and encourages student and teacher mobility. In 2018, Faculty of Electrical Engineering employed 114 teaching staff and co-workers, 135 scientific workers, researches, young researches and technical workers, and had 1547 students enrolled. A member of the Alt+G group, Dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh, an assistant professor at the Faculty, was one of the 50 women from all over the world to take part in ‘Hidden No More’, US State Department’s international programme, aimed at evening out the gender gap in STE(A)M. She was also one of the ten nominees for the first 'Female Engineer of the Year' award in Slovenia. In cooperation with Dr. Stojmenova Duh, US Embassy organised a screening of ‘Hidden Figures’, a film portraying contributions of women scientists in the early years of the U.S. space programme, to students and other attendees at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In cooperation with Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia, the Faculty organised a debate on the topic of women in STE(A)M, where the challenges and proposed solutions on the topic of gender equality in STE(A)M were discussed. Dr. Stojmenova Duh was also the first chair of IEEE Women in engineering Slovenia.
Slovenia / Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work

Brief description:
Faculty of social work (Fakulteta za socialno delo – FSD) is a leading institution for social work education in Slovenia. It was founded in 1955 as 2-year programme and gradually became a faculty and full member of the University of Ljubljana (UL) with providing BA, MA and PhD programmes. It also has a strong research tradition and is a partner in international and national research programmes. FSD is among the smallest faculties at the UL and consist of six departments: Social and legal sciences; Community mental health; Social work with elderly; Social justice and inclusion; Management and research; Theories and methods of help. Faculty also includes three centres: Centre for studies in drugs and addiction, Centre for practice learning and Centre for permanent education. The number of permanent staff is 45 and 32 on part-time contracts, while the number of students at all three levels of study is approx. 650 per year. We offer several courses on gender at different study levels: Gender and violence; Disability and gender in social work; Health and social work from the perspective of gender, ethnicity and disability; Social work beyond heteronormativity; Trauma, recovery and human rights in relation to disability, gender and ethnicity; Care regimes and support networks; Gender and welfare state, disability states for gender perspective: historical and comparative perspective. FSD has been participating recently in following research projects related to gender: BEING ME – Best practices for care and wellbeing education to support the needs of LGBT people as they age (2017-2020); Care work between individualisation, globalisation and socialisation (2014-2017) in partnership with Peace Institute, another member of the group Alt+G. We had adopted gender sensitive language in our documents already in 2010. That means that we use female gender in legal documents of the faculty according to the fact that approx. 90% of students are females. We have used male and female gender form 2007 to 2010.
Slovenia / Ljubljana

University of Maribor

Brief description:
The University of Maribor (UM) is the second largest and the second oldest university in Slovenia. With 13,500 students and around 1,800 employees it plays a highly important role in the region. It is shifted towards attracting the best students and creating a development environment, where excellence has its place in all respects. It is becoming a central development institution, which is establishing links with the market and together with its partners creates a centre of sustainable development for the wider region. It is an autonomous, scientific research and educational institution the purpose of which is to discover, manage and transfer knowledge through interconnectedness of humanities, social sciences, engineering, economics, medicine, natural sciences, law, educational sciences and art to the wider social community. The University of Maribor comprises of 17 Faculties offering undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes. The study programmes are renewed in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration and are regularly monitored, updated and altered pursuant to legal provisions and Criteria for accreditation and external evaluation of higher education institutions and study programmes of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. According to international rankings in recent years, the University of Maribor is among the top 5 percent of the best universities in the world. The University of Maribor is the first Slovene university to be granted the “HR Excellence in Research” award and is obliged to respect the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
Slovenia / Maribor

University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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Slovenia / Maribor