In the first half of May, we held two online meetings within the Alt+G Consolidation Workshop. The first meeting was dedicated to the presentation of the online tools available in the ACT project that can help group members to access to useful information (e.g. through GenPORT) or provide information about their projects / activities (e.g. Alt + G group blog). In the second part of the meeting, we focused on the analysis of the Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) questionnaire, which was developed within the ACT project and is planned to be adapted to the Slovenian language and academic environment. Meeting participants analyzed selected clusters of the questionnaire and provided their comments and suggestions how they could be improved.
The second meeting was designed as an SDD (Structured Democratic Dialogue) workshop led by Andreas Andreou from the organization Future Worlds Center, Cyprus. The workshop was aimed at fostering better cooperation between group members and promoting joint efforts for institutional change towards gender equality. A special emphasis at the workshop was on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Alt+G activities and planning of the next steps that would be adjusted to the new life and work conditions of group members.
Screenshot from the first meeting, 6 May 2020.
The most influential ideas about how to foster activities of Alt+G
during and after Covid-19 pandemic, the second meeting, 13 May 2020.